Feeds examples
Publishing a website with a permanent URL
import { BzzFeed } from '@erebos/bzz-feed'
import { BzzNode } from '@erebos/bzz-node'
import { pubKeyToAddress } from '@erebos/keccak256'
import { createKeyPair, sign } from '@erebos/secp256k1'
const BZZ_URL = 'http://localhost:8500'
// This setup is meant for demonstration purpose only - keys and signatures security must be handled by the application
const keyPair = createKeyPair()
const user = pubKeyToAddress(keyPair.getPublic('array'))
const signBytes = async bytes => sign(bytes, keyPair)
const bzz = new BzzNode({ url: BZZ_URL })
const bzzFeed = new BzzFeed({ bzz, signBytes })
// website will be accessible with the URL `${BZZ_URL}/bzz:/${feedHash}`
const feedHash = await bzzFeed.createManifest({
name: 'my-awesome-website',
// This function can be called any time the website contents change
const publishContents = async contents => {
// setFeedContent() uploads the given contents and updates the feed to point to the contents hash
await bzzFeed.setContent(feedHash, contents, { defaultPath: 'index.html' })
// Example use of publishContents()
const setupContents = async () => {
await publishContents({
'index.html': { contentType: 'text/html', data: '<h1>Hello world</h1>' },
Asynchronous messaging
The Timeline examples page provides an example of asynchronous messaging with Swarm feeds, using the Timeline protocol.